It is common knowledge that Buddhismregards the law of cause and effect as the basic law of this world, which isalso the common belief of the ordinary people. Even Marxist philosophy stresseson the law of cause and effect. What are the differences? How does Buddhismexplain the law of cause and effect?
In Buddha’s teachings, the law ofcause and effect is also called Karma, which is based on the law of life, andis the ultimate explanation about the phenomena of life and the law of life.Consequently, it offers significant guidance for the mentality, speech andbehavior of all sentient beings.
Talking about Karma, we need to clarifythe two concepts: the cause of karma and the effect of karma.
First of all, what is the effectof karma, or the fruit of karma? The effect of karma actually refers to our experiencesat every instant---what we see, hear, smell, taste, and how we feel physicallyand mentally. In other words, the different present situations we are facing orthe platform we are staying are the different effects of karma from ourprevious deeds.
On theother hand, the cause of karma, or the seed of karma, is our responses to theabove experiences, most importantly our psychological responses, followed byour corresponding speeches or behaviors. Our diversified responses plantdifferent seeds of Karma, affecting our future effect of karma. In other words,our different responses to our physical and mental experiences, including whatwe speak, what we do, we think about, and how we feel, unconsciously create ourfuture situations. The present cause will definitely change the future effect.Standing on the current platform, we are constantly creating causes, and at thesame time, enduring the corresponding effects from the previous causes we havecreated.。
Everylife is constantly recycling in karma, creating causes and enduring theeffects. Different causes lead to different effects. Whether we are standing onthe same or different platforms, our psychological responses are always different.What’s more, whenfacing different time and situations, even the same person will have differentfeelings and responses. All these different responses create diversified causes.As a result, we can never see two lives that are exactly the same.
This is why diversity is absolutein this world. Each individual has a different appearance and a differentkarma. One was born with dignity, wealth, and tender love while another wasdiscarded into the dustbin or sewer as soon as he was born. What leads to suchdifferences? It’s all due to the previous causes one has created, including thecauses from the previous life or that of this life. We were born with differentmodes of thinking which lead to different ideas and different behaviors, thusforming the different causes of karma. The time for the causes of karma tobecome effectual depends on such factors as whether the causes of karma we havecreated is weak or strong, positive or negative.
Some people say, “I can’t see thepositive karma of kind deeds, because kind people don’t always live as happily,luckily or wealthily as those who do evils.”
This is a misunderstanding ofkarma. Positive causes of karma will definitely lead to positive effects, butit needs time and chances for the karma to become ripe and effectual. What’smore, several good deeds don’t mean one has been doing good deeds all thislife, not to say all his lives from beginningless time. The present positivekarma may become ripe and effectual tomorrow, but the past karma has ripen, howcan we stop it from becoming effectual?
Karma, the law of cause andeffect, is just like farmers planting drops. Each farmer plants different seedswith different cares, thoughts and expectations. As a result, he will enjoydifferent harvests. This is exactly the reason for all the different states oflives, beautiful or ugly, rich or poor, respectful or humble, etc.。
Here isgood example to explain karma: each of us has a basket with a hole at thebottom. We keep filling the basket with different balls, good or bad. At thesame time, these balls keep dropping out from the hole at the bottom. Theresult is that the more good balls are put in, the more good balls will bedropped out. Vise Versa. The balls we put in are the causes of karma we createand the balls dropped out are the effects of karma we shall endure.
It’s easier for senior people tounderstand karma, because they have lived longer in this world and can see moreclearly how the law of cause and effect functions. A man with a tolerant andkind heart, who seldom minds of being cheated or taken advantage of, willbecome respectable and reliable in one or two decades of years. This is theresult of long-term kindness and tolerance. On the contrary, a selfish andnarrow-minded man with only negative thoughts and deeds will be alienated anddespised of in the long run, and even suffer a miserable life and death eventually.
The truth is that at the momentwe develop kindness in our heart, we begin to enjoy the positive effect ofkarma. We shall feel comfortable, fulfilled, honorable and broad-minded. As aresult, things we do and people we face will all become more favorable,therefore we can achieve success more easily and smoothly. We shall berespected and supported by more people, and be protected and blessed by kindgods.
To draw a conclusion, karmicretribution is functioning all the time and in all our life forms, withoutfailure. Positive causes lead to positive effects, and negative seeds will bearbitter fruits. No karma is escapable when it ripens. Just as the Englishproverb goes, “One good turn deserves another”。 Doing enough good things willdefinitely benefits one’s family and oneself.
Bodhisattvas, however, willcultivate their selflessness with the wisdom of Prajna, and try to benefit allsentient beings, eventually achieving the ultimate Buddhahood.
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