


  “Slowing down” is a good method to deal with habits, and it has a special significance.


  When something that challenges our habits happens we are usually in a hurry to react and it leads to immediate response. For instance, when we are being criticized, we directly feel uneasy and this reaction leads to direct result: uneasiness.


  But if we learn how to slow down and take some distance with our reactions, the result will be different. Once we trace back the discomfort to its origin, we can find it is illusory by nature, we find it’s just a habit which could be downplayed. Then forgiveness arises.



  This habit comes from stress. If we deal with it with a relaxed mind, it will be a different story. Being relaxed means to solve the problem on the phenomenal level. But what if we could see its very nature, its emptiness? How come we have such feeling? It’s only a habit!


  You see, some people would feel uncomfortable if they are criticized or even watched in public; Some would feel uneasy, if they are commanded by others. The truth is that most uncomfortable feelings are just nervousness and embarrassment. It’s not a big deal, yet some will get nervous when they are scolded in front of others, which is really unbearable to them no matter how small the thing is. “How can you judge me in public?” Actually, it’s not a big deal. Right?


  So, no matter what we come across, try to slow the habitual reactions a little. Even if the matter is so urgent that it has already put pressure upon you, try to relax and slow down the problem-solving process. Don’t be nervous. We can fix it on the phenomenal level and settle down first, and then try to solve it on the essential level, which is to deal with it post-event. The first step is to settle down, the next step is to know that it is just a habit. There is nothing to worry about. So just relax and let it go.


  If we observe habits on the essential level, it is so simple that we can even laugh about it: “Here comes the habit. I am now feeling uncomfortable because of criticism.”  Regardless of our habits or others, you will laugh it off. Because the habit is unobtainable by nature and it has a dreamlike quality. However, if we think “Oh my, I have to fight back!” This attitude leads to immediate discomfort! We are so familiar with the habit of resistance. Looking at the event, the feeling starts again. Resist immediately. 


  So, try to know your habit, then let go of it. Once you understand it is only a habit, you will feel relaxed. The key is to let go. So, understand the nature of habit, understand the habit itself, and let it go. Then it is no more a problem even though you may still lose your temper.

来自慈法法师的『生命之光 · 阳光早餐』

The Light of Life Sunshine Breakfast


原标题:习惯的处理 | 中英文

