The Light of Life helps people fully realize that every moment and every activity is the manifestation of the light of the essential nature of life.
What is the essential nature of life? What effect does it have on our lives?
Here is an example that helps us understand this essentialnature. Ice, mist and water in a stream are different states of water under different temperatures. These states are different manifests of water and possess the same essential nature of water. Yet each produces different forces, has different applications, and serves its own purposes.
As we live our lives, we enter different states and conditions (different manifests of life), each with their unique force and purpose. Yet all states of life retain the same essential nature, just as water retains its essential nature across different states.
What is the impact of our own states onto others and our own being? This is an important question to ponder. By tracing a consequence back to its origins and by introspecting on our words and actions, we can make choices based on our inner needs.
Let us first observe and analyze both sides of an international affair, such as a war. Whether it’s between religions, social classes, races, the rich and the poor, or the privileged and the deprived, a war is always centered around disputes, denial, and intolerance, which in turn lead to harm, hostility and destruction on both sides. In a different scenario, negotiation, tolerance, understanding and support between conflicting parties will lead tostability and peace.
Many tough issues in today’s society can be resolved peacefully if people observe them wisely. Providing persistent support, education and adjustment based on mutual tolerance and acceptance can bridge wide rifts between conflicting parties, turning violence, hatred and harm into understanding, acceptance and support.The fact that the US had its first black president shows that even with a long history of segregation, the American people have learned to accept one anotherby means of educating, respecting and understanding each other. This is a process of mutual tolerance and understanding.
We as ordinary people can observe and learn social phenomena and the consequences of our actions on others and ourselves. By doing so, wecantrace back to our inner needs and make choices and adjust based on what we truly desire. Then the freedom and light of life is unleashed.
The light of a life that permits and encompasses others is the greatest, because it unites and supports all states of life. When we discriminate, reject and create confrontation with others, we will be shackled by our own actions, driving all states of life to undercut and block us. In the end, harm always reciprocates.
生命的种种现象状态,就像冰、雾、小溪,不同的状态展示着不同的作用力, 其本质是水,那平等性就是它的本质。我们透过这些现象与问题,了解它的本质,了解它的共性,认清了本质就不会在有差异的状态上去相互地仇恨、嫉妒、排斥,而是相互地尊重、包容与理解。
The various phenomena and states of lifeare comparable to ice, mist and stream. Although these different phenomena display different forces, their essential nature remains the same, i.e., water. The nature refers to the equality of varied forms. If we see through the façade of phenomena and problems to fully understandtheir nature or commonality, we will then not attach to different phenomena, thus no longer to resort to hate, jealousy or rejection and instead respect, tolerate and understand.
If werely on this essential nature to guide us through the challengesof our lives, thekindness, compassion, wisdom and skillful means that is direly needed will shine through, guiding us through the labyrinth woven of confusion, i.e. ignorance, suffering and harm that we human beings don’t need. Gradually, the positive mental qualities that all human beings need will mature and manifest. Let the light of the essential nature of life shine upon our every conduct.
原标题:启用生命的本质光辉 【 中英对照 】
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