Unlike illness or misfortune which will not last so long, confusion is the biggest suffering in our lives, for it follows you like your shadow all the time unless you have a good solution. The suffering of confusion comes from that we have lost the role we should play or the duty we should perform in every present moment. Such loss accounts for our worries like the inner conflict, dissatisfaction or the endless fresh desire, etc.
It must be an delusion to look for or expect anything great out of your current role or position, for this means that you don’t respect your current role or duty.
Take the relationship between a couple as an example. As time goes by, all kinds of problems like complaint or dissatisfaction may arise and accumulate. With less and less chance for them to communicate with each other sincerely, these problems will develop and evolve into a long-term cold war and hurt each other verbally, physically and psychologically. And with these problems unsolved and accumulated continuously, they may go so far as slandering or betraying each other, losing their role as, or the duty of, a wife or a husband. Their suffering is inevitable because they don’t respect their present and even deviate from their current role, eg. a man’s wife, a child’s mother, etc.
我们要怎么去解决它呢?就是要回到万事万物的根源上去解决问题,回到心灵的本位上去解决问题,问问自己所有的作为、言说究竟是爱护、尊重对方的?还是伤害、对抗对方的?不去讲道理,直指自己的内心去找到答案,从答案中去选择、调整自己的言说作为。这样把很多复杂的、说不清道不明的 “不舒服”,回归到自己的内心上去解决,就变得简单,调整的主动性就会变得有力。
Then how should we solve these problems? Trace them back to their origin, the origin of all phenomena, and go back to our true heart and ask ourselves if what we do and say to others is caring and respecting them, or hurting and opposing them. There’s no need for reasoning, and just directly look for the answer in our heart and adjust your words and act according to the answer. Thus many complicated problems or inexpressible uncomfortableness can be solved easily and the initiative to adjust can be enhanced.
While confronted with whatever problem, first and foremost, we should come back to our heart, put aside emotionality and opposition, and ask ourselves calmly what we really need and whether or not we have lost the current role we should play and the current duty we should perform. Take into full consideration the consequences of what we should and should not do from the angle of the current role we are playing. For example: respect, tolerance, negotiation, support and agreement, etc. are what we all need and should do in our lives, whereas slander, betrayal, opposition, coercion, imposition, etc. are what we all don’t need in our lives. Usually, we just take the “should” as some abstract theory and fail to apply them in practice, paying little attention after we have learned them. It is similar to that the gold sand scatters in the earth and we fail to collect it, with its value buried. What a pity!
我们平时把这些应作分当作道理,但从不去实践,一听就过了,没有足够重视、实践它们,很可惜! 就像细细的砂金一样,散落在土壤里,没办法提炼出来体现它的价值。我们不把这些应作分当成知识、道理,而是要把它们当成解决问题的方法,形成一个可操作、可执行的应用体系,不断地明确它、清晰它、实践它。真正用实践去把散落的砂金提纯、冶炼成一个完整的金锭,再用金锭去做成任何的首饰、装饰品等等,那这些物品本身的价值就变得不可颠覆、不可退转——生命的价值,也就像冶炼的金锭一样,才会不可散坏地展现出来!
We should take the “should” as a way to solve problems instead of some abstract knowledge or theory, develop them into a system that can be applied in practice, and try constantly to understand, clarify and practise it. And with practice, we can abstract and refine the scattered gold sand to be gold bullion, with which we can make gold jewelry or other gold ornaments. The value of these things cannot be overturned or reversed. The unbreakable value of gold bullion from abstracting and refining is thus revealed, as is that of life.
In consideration of society, time and the shared relationship and status, each of us is essentially the enlightened one in terms of the role we are playing, who can rest in any case in our nature of purity and equality; each of us, in terms of communication and activity, is the wised and compassionate one who can go beyond his own limitations by taking up great cause benefiting others instead of himself; and each of us is socially a father, a wife, a son, a leader or a worker, etc., who can apply the “should” and avoid the “should not” in practice, offering convenience to others as well as himself.
We will find out our current role, return to the true heart, attain peace and happiness and solve our suffering of confusion even if we have achieved only one of the three aspects: returning to the essence of our lives, achieving true inner joy in our current lives and knowing definitely our aspiration and direction in the future.
来自慈法法师的『生命之光 · 阳光早餐』
The Light of Life .Sunshine Breakfast
原标题:于人生现缘角色中安乐 【 中英对照 】
- 仁德上人:人生的真实价值
- 济群法师:真正完美的人生,需要具足这八种圆满
- 本性法师:退步原来是向前
- 仁德上人:快乐逍遥歌
- 仁德上人:人与人相处过程中需要互相理解、诚敬
- 大安法师:生命分为几个阶段?十个阶段
- 本源法师:人生的三重境界,看山是山,看山不是山,看山仍是山
- 如瑞法师:今日事今日了,做好每个当下应该做的事
- 仁德上人:问问自己这一生究竟想要什么?
- 仁德上人:忏悔悔改歌
- 仁德上人:活着开心歌
- 仁德上人:人生就在身心相性之中,自性本来就是佛
- 仁德上人:关于人生的五条经典法语
- 如瑞法师:念死不是消极,而是认识观照无常,珍惜人生
- 仁德上人:做一个问心无愧、人生无遗憾后悔的人
- 仁德上人:知错又能真正地彻底改错就是人生大智慧
- 仁德上人:人生的每一次选择都是严峻的考验
- 仁德上人:有什么样的观念想法就会有什么样的人生
- 仁德上人:人生无论面对顺境还是逆境都有升华超越的机会
- 仁德上人:人生反省我错狂傲歌
- 星云大师:春有百花秋有月,夏有凉风冬有雪;若无闲事挂心头,便是人间好时节。
- 正如法师:念《心经》比《大悲咒》更好吗?
- 印光大师:安士全书白话解
- 净慧大师:净慧法师《楞严经》浅译
- 星云大师:星云大师谈《心经》
- 文珠法师:妙法莲华经
- 大寂尼师:一般人在家里可以读诵《地藏经》吗?
- 仁清法师:听说诵大悲咒对鬼不好,请法师开示
- 星云大师:解读普贤菩萨十大愿王(附普贤行愿品全文)
- 圣严法师:关于灵魂与鬼的终极真相
- 梦参法师:梦参老和尚:金刚经
- 惟觉法师:修行人应做到的三大精进
- 心律法师:吃亏是福
- 梦参法师:梦参老和尚讲地藏本愿经
- 心律法师:什么人与佛有缘?
- 文珠法师:大方广佛华严经
- 星云大师:千江映月
- 虚云法师:多诵读《普门品》和《地藏经》
- 星云大师:手把青秧插满田,低头便见水中天;六根清净方为道,退步原来是向前。
- 达摩祖师:《破相论》原文
- 永明延寿:宗镜录
- 正如法师:诵心经比大悲咒功德大吗
- 净善法师:净善法师:看风水与算命能否改变命运?
- 大安法师:无量寿经
- 未知:星云大师讲解
- 正如法师:梁皇宝忏 慈悲道场
- 明空法师:明空法师:《心经》中的般若智慧
- 印光大师:不科学的求子秘方,但是很灵验
- 星云大师:人身难得今已得,佛法难闻今已闻;此身不向今生度,更向何生度此身?
- 星云大师:朝看花开满树红,暮看花落树还空;若将花比人间事,花与人间事一同。
- 净界法师:打坐的时候该怎么念佛?
- 仁清法师:《大悲咒》的九种世间利益
- 正如法师:在家居士受五戒可以搭缦衣吗?
- 印光大师:命不好者求美好姻缘,有个简单方法
- 星云大师:人死后生命是怎样的?
- 星云大师:溪声尽是广长舌,山色无非清净身;夜来八万四千偈,他日如何举似人?
- 大安法师:大安法师讲解
- 明安法师:把握当下不后悔
- 星云大师:天为罗帐地为毡,日月星辰伴我眠;夜间不敢长伸足,恐怕踏破海底天。
- 净慧法师:净慧法师:《妙法莲华经》浅释
- 如瑞法师:身外之财终舍离,所造之业如影随
- 静波法师:佛法的中道观
- 济群法师:明心见性是怎么来的?利根是天生的吗?
- 如瑞法师:佛性不分南与北,为人不与比高低,广修福慧获法喜
- 本源法师:学习佛陀冥想静坐,就可以悟道成佛吗?
- 静波法师:深着虚妄法 坚受不可舍
- 济群法师:人为什么要摆脱痛苦和烦恼,目的是什么?
- 本源法师:出家人与在家信徒要保持距离,才能更好地度化众生
- 如瑞法师:什么是不善业,为什么要远离一切不善业?
- 明海法师:当业障现前时怎么办?随缘了业,究竟解脱
- 济群法师:如何面对喜欢吃喝玩乐,做不如法事情的朋友?
- 如瑞法师:每个人的福报都是自己修来的
- 本源法师:人与人之间的相处,要保持一定的距离
- 济群法师:佛教对世界的认识——因缘因果
- 如瑞法师:护念他人善用心,学佛慈悲须践行
- 本源法师:如何报答佛陀的恩德?依教奉行就是对佛最好的报恩
- 济群法师:真正完美的人生,需要具足这八种圆满
- 本源法师:只有无漏的福德,才是真正的功德
- 如瑞法师:印光大师是后世佛弟子学习的榜样
- 理海法师:无论哪种供养,都离不开善用一颗欢喜的心
- 如瑞法师:敬畏因果,努力修正自己的行为、语言和心念
- 正慈法师:一人独坐、内心空闲,无甚杂思
- 本源法师:皈依三宝是踏入佛门的第一步
- 静波法师:跳出三界得解脱
- 济群法师:如何呵护发起普利众生的愿心,使发心不消退?
- 觉真法师:人与众生的关系,是佛教伦理的核心和主体
- 本源法师:每个念佛人在极乐世界都有一朵莲花
- 济群法师:佛教是宿命论吗,我们这一生的努力有用吗?
- 本源法师:为什么有人对佛法深信不疑,有人却生不起信心?
- 佛源法师:什么是外道?心外求法是外道
- 明海法师:学佛人多拜几个师父,去极乐的几率也就越大,对吗?
- 界文法师:为什么说皈依三宝就可以找到依靠?
- 星云大师:善事要尽心尽力去做,恶事则要毫不犹豫的断除
- 西行法师:佛号代表佛智与法界
- 忏云法师:一念净心的宝贵性!
- 道坚法师:佛教所说的业报是什么意思?业报的意思
- 西行法师:极乐世界的神秘面纱
- 梦参法师:造什么业就感什么果!
- 梦参法师:地狱到底有多苦?都是自招的业报
- 天因法师:学法就是为了导正心念
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